Want a *much* easier way to break your kid’s screen time habits without the constant battles, guilt trips, or the endless struggle of figuring out what to do instead?
Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint
Your ultimate guide to easily + effectively TRANSFORM your little one’s screen time habits, without the stress and overwhelm.
If you’re a parent craving for more quality family time and find yourself saying:
“I’d love to see my kids using their imagination more, like playing outside or creating things, instead of just watching screens”
This is for you👇🏼
Let me guess:
You want to get your little one off screens for their well-being and development. And you’re right, that’s important for their creativity, getting them up and moving, and making sure they’re getting the sleep they need.
BUUUUUUUT… it's not easy to say no to screens.
At the moment, you’re likely feeling guilty handing over the devices but you just need this moment to breathe. However, at the same time, you wish for your kids to be more present and engaged in their surroundings instead of being OBSESSED with their screens.
You’re having trouble also because there’s just not enough time in the day to come up with alternative activities or to enforce screen time limits without it turning into a(nother) battle. It feels like an impossible task, and the more you try, the more overwhelmed you become.
And that has probably got you:
😰 Feeling guilty about how much screen time your kids are getting, but unsure how to cut back without causing a meltdown.
😰 Experiencing constant battles over screen time limits, leaving you exhausted and questioning your parenting decisions.
😰 Wanting to engage your kids in more enriching activities, but feeling too busy or overwhelmed to come up with play ideas.
What if...
...there was a solution that could TRANSFORM your family’s relationship with screens?
I (Yee Qing) get how hard it can be. I’ve faced those same challenges, struggling to find the balance between keeping my little ones entertained and ensuring they aren’t spending too much time glued to screens.
Until one day that all changed - I took control of my family’s screen time and replaced them with more creative play and meaningful connections.
And since then?
Our home is filled with more creativity and play, the power struggles over screens have faded, and I’ve gained the confidence to set boundaries that actually stick.
And the best part? The stress has lifted, and our family has found a new rhythm that feels balanced and joyful.
…and I believe this can happen for you too 💛
Imagine how it will feel…
Overwhelmed on how to manage screen time
Confidently setting and maintaining screen time boundaries
Feeling guilty about your little one's excessive screen time usage
Empowered to work towards a balanced, healthy family routine
Constant battles over turning off screens
Peaceful transitions to enriching, screen-free activities
Worrying about your little one’s development
Your little one's thriving with healthier habits and better sleep
Disconnected family time
Deep, meaningful connections with your little ones
Say hello to…
Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint
🌟 Your ultimate guide to TRANSFORMING your little one’s relationship with screens!
This comprehensive blueprint is designed to empower you to confidently set boundaries around screen time, reducing the stress, overwhelm, and guilt that often accompanies it.
Inside you will find:
⚡️ comprehensive training videos to guide you through step-by-step
⚡️ proven framework to say goodbye to screens with clarity and confidence
⚡️ conversation scripts around screen time
⚡️ a month's worth of play ideas for 0- to 12-year-olds
⚡️ Personally vetted, better-quality TV shows
…and MORE empowering you to calmly and confidently say no to screens and offer alternatives that work for you and your little ones.
Say goodbye to screen time struggles and hello to a blueprint that gives you so much clarity, confidence and ease, that promises more meaningful family connection times.
In this blueprint, I will show you exactly how to stop your little one's screen time through very easy-to-watch video trainings - EXACTLY what to do, EXACTLY what to say - every step of the way so you get complete clarity on the actions to take step-by-step.
This blueprint will:
🥰 Guide you in getting to know your true, authentic self and your little ones so you know what feels good and aligns with your unique family values.
🥰 Help you get clear on the exact steps to take so you know not only how to stop your little one's screen time but ALSO how to use screen time intentionally in the long run.
Because let's be honest, we can't pretend that screens don't exist, and you might be wondering how you will do all these without the meltdowns or tantrums — I got you!
You now have the exact steps for stopping your little one’s screen time but you are wondering how to tell them that screen time is over and actually turn the screens off without the tantrums/meltdowns that typically ensues.
I get how daunting it can feel 🫶🏼
That’s why, in addition to the step-by-step blueprint, I’ve included conversation scripts to help you know exactly what to say so your little ones will listen and cooperate.
In this Conversation Scripts pack you will:
🤩 Know exactly how to communicate your screen time rules so that you and your littles are on the same page.
🤩 Learn how to hold your boundaries and stick to it when screen time is over even when your little one is begging for just. one. more. show.
🤩 Get my personal favourite mantras at your fingertips to affirm yourself through these times.
These conversation scripts are here to give you clarity in what to say turning stressful conversations into moments of connection and understanding without the usual power struggles.
Worried about your littles idling and requesting for the dreaded screen time?
Fear not.
Whether you have a baby, toddler, or preschooler, all the way up to pre-teen (age 12), you will find a month's worth of play ideas that are not only fun and engaging but also completely adaptable to your unique family.
❌ No more stressing over what activities to come up with.
❌ No more scrolling and pinning for play ideas.
❌ No more trying to come up with play ideas on the go.
Just open up these play plans so you can easily create a screen-free routine that you and your little ones will love and enjoy.
*Limited Time Offer of USD25.
One-Time Payment Only. Lifetime Access. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.
Now that you’ve learned the basics of stopping your little one's screen time habits, these advanced strategies will give you EXTRA ways to increase your success.
From modelling healthy screen use to embracing boredom, these strategies will ensure that the positive changes you’ve made are lasting and impactful.
Noticed your little ones slipping back to their old screen time habits? This is completely normal! Maintaining healthy screen time habits can be a challenge, especially as life gets busy.
This bonus guide offers practical tips and strategies to help you keep screen time in check. From setting up a screen-free family routine to protecting them, these tips will ensure that your family stays on track while minimising things slipping through the cracks.
Feeling overwhelmed by the vast options available and AALLL claiming to be educational for your little ones?
In this Better Screen Guide bonus, I will give you the elements that I personally look out for when assessing the quality of screens’ content so you can quickly and easily weed out overrated screens.
The only list of better screens you need for you to quickly curate a screen time menu that you can either hand it over to your little’s caregiver or for your little one to choose from.
Not only does this remove the overwhelming task of researching and shortlisting, but giving caregivers and our little ones the gift of choice helps them feel included and respected.
Major win-win!
(PS - Scroll down the page to get a sneak peek of the blueprint!)
OMG YES!! I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE! 🤩*Limited Time Offer of USD25.
One-Time Payment Only. Lifetime Access. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.
Take a peek
Want to see exactly what's inside Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint, see the done-for-you resources AND how it will help you to calmly and confidently say no more screen time?
Watch this short video and take a tour of the blueprint with me! 👇🏼
Hi, I'm Yee Qing.
Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and the co-owner of Bueno Blocks - a local specialist toy store based in Malaysia where we provide parents, schools and businesses with the very best open-ended playthings from around the world - all while being a full-time mama to two little ones of my own.
Being a full time mama, homeschooling my littles and running my own business, saying that I’m stretched daily is an understatement. I get questions from parents asking how do I do it all. Truth is, I don’t. I curate my own family routine that works for me and my littles where they can play while I work all without using any screens to entertain them.
After helping several families through my Play & Connect community in the past, I have created this concise and informative blueprint to help you through your daily screen time struggles.
I truly believe that every parent deserves to parent and connect with their little ones confidently, in a way that feels good to them without the overwhelm - and this blueprint does just that.
I'd be honoured to support YOU in your playful parenting journey, and I cannot wait to see and hear the difference this blueprint makes in your family.
And from one mama to another? I know how important it is you get the BIGGEST support in taking things off your plate. That's why there is a RISK-FREE money-back guarantee 😍
This blueprint has been designed to take away the overwhelm and give you back time to help you to calmly and confidently remove screen time and offer alternate activities that work for you and your little ones.
I am confident that this blueprint will help you regain control over screen time in your home, reignite your little one’s creativity and most importantly, help you to reconnect, build and enjoy a lasting relationship with your littles.
AND I want you to know that there is no risk in purchasing today.
If you don't love Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint, you can request your money back within 7 days!
That's how confident I am that this blueprint will seriously help you remove your screen time struggles with your little ones, for good.
- Yee Qing
Here is a recap of everything
waiting for you inside 😍
Have some burning questions?
Here are the answers!
I’ve got a lot on my plate and don’t see time freeing up for me anytime soon.
How long do I have access to The Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint for?
Do I need specific tools to access The Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint?
Do I have to purchase specific toys or materials for this solution to work?
What if I decide this is not for me?
I have an X-year-old, will this blueprint help me and my little one?
I have another question not answered here.
One last love note from me to you...
If you have scrolled all the way down here, it’s likely you are still thinking whether this solution is the one for you.
The truth is quality self directed play is irreplaceable in a little ones’ life. And having variety in play makes it even more richer. As the saying goes - variety is the spice of life!
Like you, I was once searching for ways to add that "spice" in my little ones’ playtime. Partly why I started Bueno Blocks too ☺️
I also know you CAN overcome this, and that is why Breaking Screen Time Habits Blueprint exists.
It’s time to drop the screen time crutch, reignite your little one's creativity and rediscover the joy of parenting. This blueprint is the solution you have been searching for.
- Yee Qing
*Limited Time offer of USD25.
One-Time Payment Only. Lifetime Access. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.